today was a good st. patrick's day, or should i say,
stacy's children - brennan, sierra, kaitlyn and ammon - threw a super fun party and invited me, along with 60 gazillion teenage girls and a few boys.

(no, kaitlyn does not have a deformed mouth - that is a cookie!)

did they invite me because they think i'm such a fun aunt
is it because they knew i'd bring goodies?
i don't really know
i did bring goodies that turned out really good!
i was surprised they were good, because really the only reason i chose this certain dessert is because it's green.
yay for surprises!
(the recipe is at the bottom)

and stacy made this yummy spinach dip and served it in a cabbage.

midnight mints
1/2 cup butter
5 tbls. cocoa
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 cup coconut
combine first 3 ingredients. bring slowly to a boil. stir in egg to thicken. remove from heat and add crumbs, nuts and coconut. pack firmly into a greased 9x9 pan.
1/4 cup butter
3 tbls. milk
1 teas. peppermint flavoring
2 cup powdered sugar
green food color
combine all ingredients in bowl. mix well, adding more drops of milk if needed, for easy spreading. tint light green. spread.
(i made this the top layer because i wanted the top layer to be green)
2/3 cups chocolate chips
2 tbls. butter
melt chocolate chips and butter over low heat. spread on top. chill. cut into 36 squares.