you should have figured out by now that i love my nieces and nephews, so i threw them a valentine's party!

we ate lots of yummy treats.

we played fun games.
like, "plant the smooch on thomas".
stacy prepared this awesome picture for us to smooch. don't you just wanna smooch it right now???

we also played bingo.

and "pin the heart on cupid".

and, "jar of kisses" - to guess how many kisses and win the jarful.

we decorated cupcakes.

paulina's favorite topping was sprinkles - well, mostly she just liked the act of sprinkling.
this was the result:

it was a lovely time.
p.s. - the valentine mood was set just right with some romantic music from a cd called "love chords". i found it on my brother brad's music shelf. the name sounded just right, just what i was looking for - "love chords" - perfect for a valentine's party, right?
later i noticed the subtitle: classical music to enrich the bond with your unborn child.
now, why would my brother have that cd in his collection?
oh well. we played it anyway and it was romantic.
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